
Boxer gets its name from the way it boxes or appears to use its front legs in combating an opponent which gives an appearance of boxing. A very energetic and strong dog, it is mainly used in police and military work.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Germany
Used for: Guarding, police and military work, search and rescue
Average Life Span: 11-14 years
Color: Brindle, Tan, Fawn, Mahogany and Black with White markings
Coat: Smooth and shorthaired
Average Height: 22-25 inches
Average Weight: 60-70 pounds
Group: Mastiff

History and Domestication

This breed was developed in 19th century in Germany and its ancestry includes two German mastiffs- the Barenbeiszer and the Bullenbeisezer.

These were then crossed with some powerful ancestors of the Bulldog and the Mastiff. During early times, these dogs were used for hunting until hunters could arrive, rounding up livestock, dog fighting, cart pulling and bull baiting.

They later gained popularity and as circus and theater dogs. Until 1904, these dogs varied in their looks and size but then a studbook for boxers was started.

Some of its current talents include guarding, watchdog, police work, military work and competitive obedience.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Boxers have a powerful and compact body. The muzzle is blunt and short and has a distinct stop. The large black nose has open nostrils. The medium size eyes are dark brown. Ears are set high and are either natural or cropped. The neck is round, muscular, strong and has no dewlap. The tail is set high and is usually docked. When viewed from front, the two front legs are parallel and straight. The hind legs are also well-muscled.

Care, Grooming and Health

This dog smooth and shorthaired coat is fairly easy to take care of. Use a firm bristled brush for brushing and bathe only when necessary because it strips him off natural oils in the skin. Some of them do like to keep themselves clean just like cats but sometimes they just cannot resist rolling in poop of other animals in which case, a bath is necessary. The breed sheds moderately.

This is an active and athletic breed and need exercise and work on daily basis along with a long brisk walk. They do enjoy fetching a ball. This breed can be prone to skin allergies and various heart problems including sub-aortic stenosis and thyroid. Sometimes they are prone to epilepsy. They are more likely to develop tumors than other breeds.

Living Conditions

If sufficiently exercised, boxers will do well in an apartment. They are active indoors and need at least an average sized yard. These dogs are also very sensitive to temperature so owners need to be cautious.


This is a playful, energetic, happy and high-spirited dog. The dog is quick, eager to learn and highly intelligent. They mix well and bond very quickly with the family. Boxers are known to get along well with children. They cannot be left alone with rodents, chickens and ducks. The dog has a clownish and playful temperament and is keen to work and play. This breed needs lots of human leadership.