Cairn Terrier

It was a Cairn Terrier who played ‘Toto’ in ‘The wizard of Oz’. The Scottish Cairn terrier is considered to be one of the original terriers. 

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Scotland
Used for: Hunting, tracking and watch dog
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: All colors except white, red, brindle and black
Coat: Shaggy, double and weather-resistant
Average Height: 10-13 inches
Average Weight: 14-18 pounds
Group: Terrier

History and Domestication

The Cairn terrier is one of the original terriers and originated in highlands of Scotland in 1500s. Up until 1900s, they were considered same as Scottish terrier and West highland terrier but later they began to be bred separately. The Cairn terrier is also said to share ancestry with Skye terrier. It gets its name from its ability to get through’ Cairns’ and bark at foxes and badgers until farmers arrived. Cairns were rock dens where foxes lived. Some of its talents include hunting, tracking and a watch dog.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The hardy little terrier has a fox-like expression. The head is rather broad in comparison to the body. The muzzle is medium in length and strong and has a defined stop. The nose is black. The hazel and deep eyes are wide-set and have shaggy eyebrows and topknot. The ears are erect and small and set wide apart.  As the coat color changes several times during years, the coat color of Cairn terrier is hard to predict.

Care, Grooming and Health

The shaggy looking natural coat actually requires a lot of upkeep and maintenance or else it is bound to become matted. It needs to be brushed several times a week starting with the softer undercoat. Bathe them once a month and brush the coat while it is drying. Trim around nose and ears. They shed very little or no hair.

These active little dogs need daily walks. Playful activities will take care of their exercise needs but will not take care of their primal canine instinct of walking. Dogs that do not get their daily walks are more likely to display behavioral problems. They will enjoy a good romp in a large fenced-in yard.

Cairn terriers are allergic to fleas and gain weight very easily.

Living Conditions

If sufficiently exercised, the Cairn terrier will do okay in an apartment. As it is very active indoors, a yard will not be necessary.


The Cairn terrier is a hardy, animated and alert little dog. This is loyal, cheerful and curious and very friendly with children. This is an independent dog but will listen if it has to deal with strong-minded humans. Cairns like to dig as they are fearless vermin hunters. They can be kept calm and easy-going with enough mental and physical exercise. They generally adapt easily to new homes. They need firm and consistent training but it shouldn’t be harsh. Without proper leadership, they may become destructive and bark excessively. Also make sure that this dog doesn’t develop small dog syndrome.