Swedish Vallhund

The Swedish Vallhund is an extremely lively and energetic dog breed. They love playing around and one cannot be upset around these lovely creatures. This breed of dogs has gone from being a cattle dog to a much loved house pet in the modern times.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Sweden
Used for: Farm dog, house dog, companion
Average Life Span: 12-14 years
Color: Shades of grey and brown, white
Coat: Short
Average Height: 12-16 inches
Average Weight: 25-35 pounds
Group: Herding

History and Domestication

The Swedish Vallhund date back to the 8th or 9th Century and were bred as cattle or farm dogs. Their ancestry goes back to the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke Welsh Corgi. It was known in the Vikings as the Vikingarnas Hund or the Viking Dog. The word Vallhund translates to mean herding dog.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Dogs from this breed are small in size and appear to be very close to the ground. They are known for being a sturdy breed with a square looking muzzle and a slightly longer head. They have a black nose and their lips too are black. They have oval-shaped eyes which are dark and their teeth in a perfect scissor bite. They may have a long or bob tail. Their legs are small but are powerful. Their coat is short and harsh with a thick undercoat.

Care, Grooming and Health

Their coat is easy to take care of and needs to be combed and brushed with a firm bristled brush. The best part is that they do not shed too much and need not be bathed more than once or twice a week. 

It is important that they be taken out for regular walks and given enough space and opportunity to remain their active selves.

Living Conditions

They are active beings and love moving around. If they are given regular exercise and walking time, they will do well anywhere, even in an apartment without a yard.


These dogs are mild tempered and do not become over aggressive. They have an innate intelligence within them and tend to be extremely affectionate towards the people they consider their family. They have an instinct towards assuming leadership. The notable factor is that they are early risers and with their early morning barking, you don’t have to worry about waking up too late for your day at work. They keep the mood alive and are good keep doing something humorous every other minute.