
Often described as “Velcro Vizsla”, this breed was developed in Hungary to work as a retriever and pointer. These are medium-sized hunting dogs with an aristocratic bearing but thankfully do not retain that air. Nowadays they make excellent companions but still retain their hunting abilities.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Hungary
Used for: Pointing, retrieving, hunting, companion
Average Life Span: About 12-15 years
Color: Shades of rust and gold
Coat: Short and smooth
Average Height: 22-26 inches
Average Weight: 45-60 pounds
Group: Sporting

History and Domestication

The earliest depictions of Vizsla can be found in the etchings of the 10th century. Their ancestors were hunters and accompanied the Magyar hordes, a tribe that settled in Hungary. In Hungarian, “Vizsla” means ‘Pointer’ and that is precisely what these dogs. They would accompany hunters and stick with them until their noses caught scent of a game such as rabbits of waterfowl. Hey were a favorite with the noble classes who would often take them along on their hunting expeditions.

Standard Physical Characteristics

This is a medium-sized dog meant for hunting. The lean and muscular skull is slightly domed and wide between the ears. The muzzle is about the same length as the skull and tapers towards the nose. In contrast with coat, the nose is flesh-colored. The strong neck has no dewlaps. The eyes are medium-sized and in contrast with coat color. The thin ears are long and hang down close to the cheeks. The tail is thick and usually docked.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat is short and smooth and can be taken care of easily. Dry shampoo occasionally and brush using a firm bristle brush. Their nails should be kept trimmed once a month. The breed sheds moderately.

These are very active and energetic dogs with a lot of stamina. They need to be taken on long daily walks or jogs. They also make good biking or rollerblading companions. In addition to this, these dogs would love every opportunity to run in an open area off-leash. They would to love play and fetch. Do not let them get bored because that will lead to a lot of behavioral problems. This breed is prone to hip dysplasia.

Living Conditions

This dog can love in an apartment as long as he is exercised well. Also, he would prefer living inside the house with his people, not out in the yard. However, a large fenced yard is needed where he can play safely.


The Vizsla is often described as gentle, expressive and loving. These dogs are very keen and highly trainable but need daily mental stimulation. Lively, gentle and affectionate, these dogs have above-average intelligence and a strong desire to be with people. These dogs are known to be biddable but some exceptions are always there- some of them can be extremely shy, stubborn or excitable. These dogs are also very energetic and athletic; without proper amount of exercise, they can become bored and destructive. With proper training and leadership, these dogs are hard to beat.