Selkirk Rex

The Selkirk Rex looks nothing less than a stuffed toy and you cannot help but pick them up. The easy-going and relaxed cats look like they are having a bad hair day. This look is created by tousled disarray to their coats. They are sometimes called cats in sheep’s clothing.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United States
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 10-15 years
Color: All colors and patterns
Coat: Thick, plush and curly
Average Height: Medium-large
Average Weight: 10-15 pounds

History and Domestication

A strange looking kitten was found in the litter of a feral blue tortie and a white cat. At just 9 weeks, this new kitten was noticed by breeder Jeri Newman who took her home and named her Miss DePesto because she was always pestering for attention. The curious coat of this cat didn’t escape the notice of Jeri. She has curly whiskers and the coat looked like a body wave. She looked like a Cornish Rex but had fine boning and her legs were long. She then bred her to one of her Persian males and got three curly-coated kittens. She then added British Shorthair, American and Exotic Shorthair to the line and created a new breed with consistently curly hair.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Selkirk Rex is distinguished for its soft and curly coat which can be either long or short. The medium to large sized cats have fine boning which adds substantial feel to their bodies. The rounded head has large round eyes with a sweet expression. The muscular body is slightly rectangular which gives him a firm feel. The coat is thick and plush and falls in loose curls.

Care, Grooming and Health

These cats do not require a lot of grooming since frequent brushing relaxes the curls. Brush them once in a while to remove any dead hair and distribute skin oils. Brush their teeth regularly to avoid any periodontal diseases. Clean eyes and ears regularly and check for any signs of infection. Keep their litter box clean.

Selkirk Rexes are generally healthy cats but genetic diseases may be possible if it is present in that line.

Living Conditions

Selkirk Rexes are perfect pets for families with children and cat-friendly dogs. These cats love having company and thrive on it. Do not have one if you can devote enough time to the cat.


These are loving and patient cats and have all the characteristics of the breeds in their making. These are laid-back cats which can be attributed to the British Shorthairs. The Exotic shorthair added an impish playfulness to them while Persians brought about a cuddly nature. They are very tolerant of people and will let visitors touch their coats. They will snuggle up to their owners and would love to be picked up or sit in their laps. They thrive on companionship and will not do well if left alone for long durations of time.

Adoption Groups

Breed Organizations