
The balding and wrinkled Sphynx manages to draw attention to himself wherever he goes. Good thing, this cat loves attention. Their most intriguing feature is their lack of coat revealing a very warm skin which feels like chamois leather to touch. They are ideal companions to snuggle up on a cold day.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Canada
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 8-14 years
Color: All colors and patterns
Coat: Hairless body
Average Height: Medium-sized
Average Weight: 6-12 pounds

History and Domestication

The first Sphynx was born in 1966 to a black and white cat in Ontario, Canada. Due to the hairless skin of this kitten, the owner named him ‘Prune’. This kitten was then bred to other cats in order to create more hairless kittens. As hairlessness is a recessive gene, not much success was achieved during initial breeding because many kittens were still born with hair. This new line of hairless kittens was then called Canadian Hairless Cats, which some people began referring to Sphynx due to their near resemblance to the Egyptian Sphinx. Several other cases of hairless mutation were found in Toronto and Minnesota between 1975 and 1978. The offspring of these unions with a Devon Rex led too creation of the Sphynx breed.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Sphynx is often referred to as the feline alien due to its seemingly lack of hair, wrinkled skin, potbelly, pixie face and giant batty ears. Some of them do not even have eyebrows or whiskers. Unmistakably, people refer to them as feline aliens. However, they are distinctive and striking in appearance and do not lack hair entirely. Light hair is usually visible on the back of ears and nose. Their wrinkled skin feels like suede or chamois leather. The sturdy, medium-boned athletic cat has large lemon-shaped eyes which give him a sweet expression.

Care, Grooming and Health

Despite being hairless, Sphynx need the same amount of grooming as your regular cats. The skin must be kept moisturized with a gentle oil or lotion. They are highly susceptible to sunburn so apply plenty of sun block before taking him out in the sun. Bathe them regularly so that they do not leave greasy spots on your furniture. 

Sphynx is regarded as a very healthy and robust cat with almost no genetic health problems.

Living Conditions

The social and active Sphynx is an ideal companion for homes with children and cat-friendly dogs. He will love all the attention he can get and readily learn tricks.


The Sphynx is an amiable, inquisitive and intelligent cat. He is warm and soft to touch and can be found sleeping with his owners under the covers. They have an intense desire to be on your lap all the time and due to this people often call them ‘Velcro lap cats’. They are highly active and will entertain themselves for hours. They are nice and friendly to visitors. They are extremely loyal and dedicated and thrive on attention.