
The large muscular spotted dog has unknown origins and the ones known are highly debatable. However, this is a very ancient breed and has been used for a number of purposes from being a hound to carriage dogs and then used for guarding.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Uncertain
Used for: Companionship, guard dog
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Color: Spots can be black, brown or sometimes dark blue, tricolor and brindled
Coat: Short with dense hair- symmetrical coat is predominantly white with defined round spots
Average Height: 22-24 inches
Average Weight: About 55 pounds
Group: Gun dog

History and Domestication

As far as the origins of this breed are concerned, there is total disagreement. The spotted breed is known throughout Asia, Europe and Africa and may be related to Pointer. Traces of this breed have also been found in Egyptian reliefs making it an obvious ancient breed. A similar dog called Bengal Pointer also existed in England in 1700 pointing towards its English organ’s. Some believe that it is a Croatian breed. Until middle ages, the dog was used as a hound and later became popular as carriage dogs in 1800s. Dalmatians are very versatile dogs and have been used as war sentinels, draft dogs, guard dogs, vermin hunters and shepherds. 

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Dalmatian is a strong, large and muscular dog. The skull is flat on the top and as wide as it is long. The muzzle is about the same length as the skull with a moderate and well-defined skull. The eyes are round and brown or black in color. The ears are set-high and hang down. Chest is deep and feet are round with arched toes. Puppies are born completely white and spots develop later.

Care, Grooming and Health

Dalmatians shed throughout the year but more profusely twice a year. Brush thoroughly and frequently to manage the constant shedding. Bathe only when necessary. This is a clean breed and has no doggy odor and even avoids puddles.

This is an energetic breed and has great stamina. These dogs need to be taken on long daily walks where they are made to heel beside or after the owner. In addition to that, plenty of running and jogging opportunities must be provided to them. Let them run off- leash in a safe enclosed area. This breed loves running.

Deafness is a problem in this breed and many puppies are born deaf. They are also prone to urinary stones which may sometimes cause urinary blockage. Dalmatians are also prone to skin allergies.

Living Conditions

Unless you can take them out on long daily walks and let them run several times a day, this is not the breed for apartment dwellers. They are active indoor and will need an average-sized yard. This breed is not suited to live outside in colder climates.


These dogs have a great stamina and hence do not like to sit around all day. This breed is playful, easy-going, happy and very dedicated.  They do not like being left alone in the yard and enjoy playing with children. Lack of enough mental and physical exercise may make them too energetic for small children.  They get along well with other pets.