Doberman Pinscher

Developed by Louis Dobermann, this is a very recent breed. These dogs are muscular and strong and can be used for a number of tasks from watch dogs to military work.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Germany
Used for: Watchdog, military work, search and rescue, therapy work
Average Life Span: Up to 13 years
Color: Black, black-tan, blue-gray, red, fawn, white
Coat: Short, hard and thick, generally lies flat
Average Height: 26-28 inches
Average Weight: 66-68 pounds
Group: Mastiff

History and Domestication

This breed is a recent one and was developed in Germany in 1860s by crossing old shorthaired shepherds, Rottweilers, Beaucerons, German Pinschers, Manchester terriers and Greyhounds. The creator of this breed was Louis Dobermann. He had to travel through bandit-infested areas and hence decided to develop a watchdog and bodyguard. The dog was an immense success right after it was presented at a dog show in 1876. Their other talents include tracking, search and rescue and military work.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The medium sized dogs have a square built with a muscular body. They have a long head which looks like a blunt wedge when viewed from sideways. The top of the skull is flat and the muzzle is long with a slight stop. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. The color of the nose depends on the color of the coat like black on black dogs, brown on red dogs and tan or fawn on white dogs. The eye color also depends on the coat color. The almond-shaped eyes are medium in size.  The ears are generally cropped so that they can stand erect.  Legs are straight and chest is deep. 

Care, Grooming and Health

This breed needs very little grooming and are average shedders.

Doberman Pinscher is an energetic dog with an enormous stamina. They need to be taken on long daily walks where they must be made to heel beside or after the owner.

This breed is prone to cervical spondylitis, blood disorder and obesity. They also suffer from skin problems, hip dysplasia, bloating and congenital heart defects. 

Living Conditions

This breed will do fine in an apartment if sufficiently exercised. But they will need at least an average-sized yard. They are mot outside dogs and are very sensitive to cold weather. 


These are very keen dogs with amazing strength and stamina and great energy levels. They love living with their people and are not suited for backyard or kennel life. They thrive on human interaction and leadership. Dobies are loyal, affectionate, and tolerant and dedicated towards their families.  These are highly versatile dogs and are bold, determined and very assertive while working.  These dogs are also adaptable, intelligent and easy to train. They are excellent guard and watch dogs and need no additional training for the same. However, this breed is not for everyone as Doberman needs consistent and firm trainers. All family members must set rules and stick to them and should know how to handle this dog properly.  If allowed to have their own way, these dogs may become willful. Everything must be on the trainer’s terms and the dog must be shown his place in the family for a calm personality.