English Springer Spaniel

The compact dogs are considered to be the founder of all English hunting spaniels. The English Springer Spaniel is an excellent hunting and retrieving dog.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: England
Used for: Hunting, tracking, retrieving
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Color: Medium length with feathering over legs, ears and brisket
Coat: Short, hard, dense and glossy
Average Height: 19-21 inches
Average Weight: 45-55 pounds
Group: Gun dog

History and Domestication

The English Springer Spaniel is considered to be the founder of all English hunting spaniels and was considered the ideal partner of all European hunters during Renaissance period. This breed was developed by crossing the Clumber, the Welsh Springer, the Sussex, the Field, the Cocker Spaniel and the Irish Water.

It was earlier considered to be same as the Cocker Spaniel. The smaller cockers were used for hunting woodcock while the larger ones were used for flushing spring on the game. However, both sizes are excellent hunters and apt at retrieving. 

Standard Physical Characteristics

The head of this dog is in proportion to the body with a broad skull. The muzzle is about as long as the skull and has a moderate stop. Nose can either be black or liver, depending on the color of the coat. The oval eyes are medium in size and are either dark hazel or dark brown in color, which again depends on the coat color. The ears are long and wide and hang close to the cheeks. They have a deep chest and compact legs. Front legs are straight.

Care, Grooming and Health

The field-type springer has a short coat and it is quite easy to maintain. Regular brushing with a soft bristle brush will keep it in a good shape. The show-type springer needs more care and grooming. Bathe or dry shampoo them when necessary. Their long coat will mat if not taken care of properly. Also trim the hair around ears and feet. This breed sheds moderately.

The English springer will enjoy as much exercise as you can provide. In order to remain happy, they need lots of exercise. Take them out for long daily walks and let them rum free in a safe area. This breed loves to swim and retrieve. 

Some of these dogs are prone to hip dysplasia, PRA, PFK which affect their eyes and blood. They are also prone to epilepsy. Avoid overfeeding as they can gain weight very easily. 

Living Conditions

If provided with ample amount of exercise, this breed will do okay in an apartment. They can adapt well to city life. This breed is inactive indoors and hence needs an average sized yard. 


The English Springer is an even-tempered, gentle and friendly dog. It is a sociable dog and makes great companion. These dogs are intelligent, skilled, willing and obedient which make them quick learners. They are also brave, playful and cheerful and their tails are always in motion. Affectionate and sincere, Springer Spaniels love everyone. They need structured and consistent leaders. Negative issues may arise if they are not given enough physical and mental exercise.