English Toy Spaniel

The small and square spaniel with an upturned face was developed in British Isles and was a favorite of British royalty for a long period of time. Today, these dogs are used as companions.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: England
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Color: Black and tan, Blenheim, Ruby, Prince Charles (tricolor)
Coat: Long, straight or slightly wavy with feathering in certain areas
Average Height: About 20 inches
Average Weight: 9-12 pounds
Group: Gun dog

History and Domestication

The smaller dog with round head, flatter nose and upturned face was a result of cross breeding King Charles Spaniel with Pugs in late 1600s.

As a result, we have King Charles spaniels with these features and protruding eyes now known as English Toy Spaniels. This dog was developed in the British Isles and remained a favorite of the British royalty.

Standard Physical Characteristics

This is a small spaniel with a square appearance. The round head is quite large in comparison to the body. English Toy Spaniels have a short muzzle with a pushed back nose and extra skin under the eyes. The stop is pronounced. The large jaw is square and deep with an underbite. The large nose is black in color with wide nostrils. The large eyes are black or dark brown. The ears are long and hang close to the head and have a lot of feathering. 

Care, Grooming and Health

Only regular brushing and combing is required for these toy spaniels. No trimming and stripping is needed. This breed is an average shedder.

This breed does not need a lot of exercise. Longs walks on daily basis will take care of their exercise needs as well as their primal instinct to walk. Dogs that do not get walked daily are likely to display behavioral problems. English toy spaniels will also love a good romp in a safe and enclosed area like a fenced-in yard. Do not confine these dogs to small spaces just because they are small.

Some of these dogs are prone to heart diseases, respiratory problems, and eye and ear infections. Keep their eyes and ears clean in order to avoid any kind of infection. Like many other short-faced breed, they too can snore or wheeze or face troubling in breathing in hot weather due to their small muzzles.

Living Conditions

This breed is good for apartment life. They are relatively inactive indoors but with enough exercise a yard will not be required. Extreme temperatures do not suit them.


This is a happy, gentle, playful, loving and sweet dog. This breed is intelligent and well-behaved. The dogs can be laid-back and quiet if treated with gentle firmness. They are also friendly with other dogs. English Toy Spaniels get along well with children. They are average barkers but do not make very good watchdogs. But they make excellent companion dogs and with a determined, consistent and loving approach, these dogs can easily be trained to be on their best behavior. However, too much pampering can lead to small dog syndrome.