
The Havanese is the only native breed of Cuba and the country’s national dog. This is a sturdy and small dog with a friendly disposition. These dogs are equally popular as family pets and in show rings.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Cuba
Used for: Family pet, watchdog, show ring
Average Life Span: 14-15 years
Color: All colors
Coat: Wavy, silky and profuse that insulates and protects
Average Height: 8-11 inches
Average Weight: 7-13 pounds
Group: Toy

History and Domestication

The Havanese is an old breed and is considered to be descended from the dogs brought to Cuba from Spain. They could also share some ancestry with Tenerife, an ancestor of the entire Bichon family. They were once known as the Spanish silk poodle and Havana Silk dogs but soon emerged from the role of being a mere pampered lap-dog of the aristocrats into family companions.

Havanese soon made it into families as watchdogs and pets, children’s playmates and herder of the poultry.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Without proper primping, trimming or clipping, the Havanese looks a little rugged. The breed is neither fragile nor overdone. Their long tail and dark eyes are covered with long and silky hair. The feet are strong and allow free movement. The profuse coat can be curly or corded. Eye rims, nose and lips are solid black in color. Some puppies are born with a short and smooth coat which is considered a disorder. Some have even nicknamed these small-coated dogs as Shavanese.

Care, Grooming and Health

The long coat of pets can be clipped for easier care. It needs to be thoroughly brushed and combed twice a week. Without proper grooming, the coat can become matted. Excess hair between pads of the feet needs to be clipped and you can also use lotions to avoid hair from splitting. The breed sheds little or no hair so dead hair must be removed by brushing.

This is a playful little dog with average exercise requirements. A long daily walks along with some play sessions will take care of that.

This is a very healthy breed but some lines are prone to PRA, poodle eye, cardiac, liver and kidney problems, seizures and dry skin.

Living Conditions

Havanese dogs are recommended for apartment life. They are playful and active indoors and a yard will not be needed. These dogs are not meant to live in kennels as they love living with their people. 


Gentle and responsive, these dogs are natural companions. They are excellent with children and become easily attached to their human families. Havanese is intelligent, affectionate and playful and tends to get along with everyone including other pets. These dogs love to observe things around them. They are also sensitive to the tone of one’s voice and will become whimsical if it senses that it is stronger minded than the owner. Some of them tend to bark a lot, but they can be taught not to do that. They make good watchdogs and alert you when a stranger appears.