Japanese Chin

With the sole purpose of serving as a companion to mankind the Japanese Chin is an intelligent and sensitive breed. These dogs are agile and playful ad can easily be taught tricks and they would love to show it off in front of an audience.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: China
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: Under 10 years
Color: White with black markings or red and white
Coat: Medium-length and fine
Average Height: 7-11 inches
Average Weight: 4-15 pounds
Group: Toy

History and Domestication

Despite the name “Japanese”, this breed is a native of China and has a history with royalty. They were bred solely to accompany royal ladies of the Imperial Palace and warm the laps of aristocrats of China. Various illustrations on pottery and embroideries suggest that these were exclusively meant for royalty and that they could not be purchased. They were handled by the nobility only and given as gifts of esteem and good will to foreigners and diplomats who rendered outstanding services to Japan

Standard Physical Characteristics

Also known as the Chin or Japanese Spaniel, this is an intelligent breed whose only purpose is to serve its people. The Japanese Chin has a broad, large head, wide-set and large eyes and a short, broad muzzle. The small ears are v-shaped and set wide-apart, slightly below the skull and are covered with hair. They have a deep stop. The wide nose can be black in white dogs or might depend on the color of the coat markings. The large, round eyes are wide-set and protruding. The front legs are fine-boned and straight.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat length varies but a few minutes of everyday brushing will keep the coat in good condition. Dry shampoo or bathe only when necessary. Comb lightly and lift the hair a little bit to leave it standing. Check eyes and ears regularly for any signs of infection.

Chins do not need a lot of physical exercise but they do need to be taken on daily walks. They will also love to play in a yard. The Japanese Chins are prone to heat prostration, respiratory problems, eye problems and distemper. They also snore and wheeze.

Living Conditions

This breed is ideal for an apartment living. These dogs are active indoors and a yard will not be required. They are sensitive to extreme temperatures.


The Japanese Chin is a lively, happy and charming canine. It is loving, pleasant, affectionate and devoted towards its master. These dogs love everyone they know but can be aloof from strangers and unfamiliar situations. Hence, they must be socialized early on. They get along well with children and other pets. However, they have a mind of their own and like to be the centre of attention. These dogs are non-barkers, mild-mannered, graceful and yet playful. You need to set and define the limits clearly and not let this dog develop a small dog syndrome.