
With the expressions of Northern breeds a fox-like expression, standoff coat and a richly plumed tail the Keeshond is a medium-sized sturdy dog.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Arctic region
Used for: Guards, companions, watchdogs
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Gray, black and cream
Coat: Long and harsh outer coat; heavy undercoat
Average Height: 17-19 inches
Average Weight: 55-65 pounds
Group: Northern, AKC sporting

History and Domestication

In the eighteenth century, the Keeshond was popularly known as the “Dog of the people”. It has an Arctic origin and has remained almost unchanged over the past two centuries. This breed descended from similar Arctic lines like Chow-Chow, Samoyed, Elkhound, Pomeranian and the Finnish Spitz. During the beginning of the French Revolution, this dog became a symbol of the Dutch Patriot political party which was led by patriot Kees de Gyselaer. The dog was named after him as he too owned a dog named Kees. These dogs have worked as guards on riverboats, barges and farms.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Keeshond is small and sturdy little canine with a strong resemblance to its ancestor- the Samoyed. The medium-sized eyes are dark in color. The triangular ears are erect and set-high on the head. The medium length tail is plumed wail and carried well over the back. The medium-length muzzle is in proportion o the skull. The catlike feet are compact ad well-rounded.

Care, Grooming and Health

This dog does require substantial amount of grooming but it is not as tedious as you might expect. Brushing its coat daily with a soft bristle brush is necessary. Bathe or dry shampoo only when necessary. It sheds its double undercoat twice year. This breed is a heavy shedder.

The Keeshond needs to be taken on long daily walks. In addition to that, it will also enjoy a good run in a safe and open field. When this dog starts spinning in circles, it means it needs more stimulating exercise. This breed is prone to hip dysplasia, heart diseases and skin problems. Some of them develop unsound stifles.

Living Conditions

This breed will do okay in an apartment but a small yard will be needed. They are fairly active indoors. These dogs prefer cooler climates as their thick coat keep them warm.


This active and intelligent dog makes an excellent companion. These dogs are keen and outgoing and are full of life. They can be trained to perform and love to be a part of the family activity. These dogs are affectionate and friendly and love everyone. If the owners are consistent, this breed learns very quickly. They are generally good with other pets and kids. They need be socialized well or else they might become timid or reserved. These dogs like to bark and make good watchdogs as they can alert you if anything unusual happens. They might have to be taught to control their bark after the first warning signs.