Pharaoh Hound

This ancient breed has changed very little since its development more than 5,000 years ago. Pharaoh Hound was the dog of the kings and hunted gazelles with kings or pharaohs. The Pharaoh Hound is graceful, powerful and extremely fast which made him a great hunter. This dog of noble bearing has a tendency to ‘blush’ whenever he is happy or excited and his nose and ears turn into shades of rose color. This royal hunter made his way to Malta and is now its national dog.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Egypt
Used for: Hunting, companion
Average Life Span: 11-14 years
Color: Red or tan with white markings
Coat: Short, glossy and slightly harsh
Average Height: 23-25 inches
Average Weight: 45-55 pounds
Group: Hound

History and Domestication

This is one of the oldest domesticated breeds and originated in ancient Egypt around 3000 B.C. he is a sight and scent hound and was used to hunt rabbits and gazelles. it is believed that the breed was brought from Egypt to Malta and Gozo by Phoenicians when they settled near these Mediterranean islands. The Pharaoh Hound is now the national dog of Malta.

Standard Physical Characteristics

This is a medium-sized, slender and athletic sight hound. The chiseled head is wedge-shaped with a flat skull and slightly longer muzzle with a slight stop. The neck is slightly arched, long and lean. The nose is about the same color as the coat. The oval-shaped, small eyes are deep set and amber in color.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat of a Pharaoh Hound is short with a slightly harsh texture. Weekly brushing with a rubber glove will keep it in good shape and remove dead hair. Bathe only when necessary and take care of the skin while brushing as the skin is prone to cuts and scrapes. They shed moderately.

This dog would love every opportunity to run. Set aside an hour each day for his ru5nning or long daily walks. They may like occasional sprints or any chance to stretch their legs. These dogs are generally healthy but some of them are sensitive to medicines and insecticides.

Living Conditions

The Pharaoh Hound will do fine in an apartment provided he is sufficiently exercised. This dog is relatively inactive indoors and will do well with a large yard. They love to chase, so do not let them off-leash unless in a secure area. A safe and high-fenced yard will be required.This dog can live and sleep outdoors if provided with shelter. He is not recommended for apartment life. He also has absolutely zero road sense and must be kept on-leash or in a safe enclosed area because he has a tendency to roam.


These dogs have clownish antics and love their people. They are affectionate and loyal to their family and would to make them laugh. But they can also be aloof from strangers. They may like to have their way and can be stubborn at times, yet they are smart and willing to please most of the times. This makes training them easier. Early socialization is important to avoid timidity. They are very sensitive and pick up on people’s feelings.